[Asterisk-Users] why a perfectly fine iax2 host becomes UNREACHABLE?

Tom Engleward engleward at yahoo.com
Thu May 4 19:19:22 MST 2006

--- "Eric \"ManxPower\" Wieling" <eric at fnords.org>
> >> If Asterisk has a DNS lookup failure it will
> never
> >> retry that lookup.
> > "Never" meaning until the next "reload" command is
> > issued, or until the next "restart" command is
> issued,
> > or until the next time the OS reboots, or until
> the
> > next time asterisk and its config files are
> deleted
> > and reinstalled?
> Correct.  Perhaps "never automatically" would be a
> better choice of words.
Wait, that was a multiple choice question: which
option is the least-drastic sufficiently drastic
option to force asterisk to retry?
If a mere "reload" is sufficient, then the periodic
test-and-reload which I suggested (which Andrew
Kohlsmith correctly said is just a band-aid) would at
least be an effective band-aid for the short term,
until the actual cause of the DNS lookup failure is
found and fixed. A proper fix is preferable, but a
band-aid is better than nothing. Of course if using IP
address instead of hostname successfully avoids the
problem, then that's a better band-aid, but only is
practical if the host in question is not subject to
having its IP address changed.

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