[Asterisk-Users] Digium TDM400P vs Sangoma A200 for 2 x FXO

Nick Chalk nick at linuxetc.co.uk
Tue May 2 13:46:22 MST 2006

John Novack <jnovack at stromberg-carlson.org> wrote:
> Though many will probably disagree, you will be
> LOTS better off with the Sangoma A200 It is MUCH
> more forgiving regarding Motherboards and the
> PCI 2.2 requirement,

That's one of my concerns. I'm working with
refurbished hardware, so don't have much freedom
of choice in motherboards.

I'm planning on using a fairly good Intel dual-
socket-370 server board, but I can't afford to
make the wrong choice.

> even though the software installation
> instructions leave much to be desired for the
> inexperienced,

Is that inexperienced in telephony, or inex-
perienced in Linux?

I have zero telephony experience, but plenty with
Linux. :-)


Nick Chalk ................. once a Radio Designer
 Confidence is failing to understand the problem.

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