[Asterisk-Users] Re: Asterisk in production as a fax server, anyone?

Rich Adamson radamson at routers.com
Fri Mar 31 13:59:11 MST 2006

>     So, if you are absolutely sure that you've specified the correct T1
>     synchronization parameters in your /etc/zaptel.conf and you still have
>     fax reliability issues, look elsewhere in your implementation for the
>     root cause.
> So, would you conclude that it's possible for a given T1/E1 to have 
> incorrect T1/E1
> synchronization parameters and still "work" 90% of the time ?

Yes, particularly for voice. For faxes, it may or may not be 90% and 
will be directly related to how far off the clocks are (eg, how far out 
of sync they are).

> In other words, if 90% of faxes are correctly received, does it implies 
> I have to look elsewhere in my implementation for the root cause of the 
> remaining 10% ?

As stated before, it "you" are sure the clock sync is specified 
correctly in /etc/zaptel.conf, then yes look elsewhere.

As I think Steve Underwood stated, you can still have pci/interrupt bus 
problems impacting fax reliability, cpu load issues, and other things 
impact this.

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