[Asterisk-Users] AMP backup-restore problem

asterisk at frameweb.it asterisk at frameweb.it
Thu Mar 30 10:28:58 MST 2006

Hi all,
I would like to point out a problem I observed.

I installed a new asterisk server, very similar to another. So, after
complete installation
of asterisk and AMP, i tried to import back a ful AMPl backup from the
first AMP / Asterisk box

Everything was (quite) OK. the only problem was that when I dialed an
internal extension
i got always "Returned from dialparties with no extensions to call".

The problem was due to the fact that all the extensions lost the voice mail
All of my extensions were configure with voicemail, in order to send the
wav as an attachment to an email address, and then to delete the vmail.

All of that were re-imported as voicemail "disabled".

But perhaps there was some inconsistency causing the message "Returned from
dialparties with no extensions to call"

When I saved the extension again, with voicemail disabled,  and apply, then
it was ok

And also when I entered again "enabled" with all the data, was ok

So my only problem is that I had to enter again all the vmail e-mail
address and password....!

Did I do anything wrong or is it an AMP bug ??


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