[Asterisk-Users] Re: transfers/parked calls + polycom 501

Doug Lytle support at drdos.info
Thu Mar 16 12:03:05 MST 2006

sdgesa gaeharth wrote:
> while on the phone with the original caller, I press transfer -> blind 
> -> type "1",  "0" then the phone clears the display and the transfer 
> fails. It only allows me to dial the first two digits of the extension 
> I want to transfer to. It even happens when I dial local sip to local 
> sip, not just sip to pstn. This seems like a config mistake I made.....

You need to look at your Polycom's sip.cfg, sounds like your digit map 
got mucked up.


Ben Franklin quote:

"Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

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