[Asterisk-Users] Failed installing zaptel

Rich Adamson radamson at routers.com
Mon Mar 13 12:23:13 MST 2006

Chuck Bunn wrote:
> Hi,
> I am having the same exact problem. I am assuming that it was a problem 
> with a kernel update I did. I am in the process of rolling back to an 
> older kernel... I will let you let know if this works. There is also a 
> patch for zaptel but I believe this is for going from 1.3 to 1.4?

If memory serves correctly, I think someone submitted a change to a 
makefile to handle an issue with recent kernels. Thought it was related 
to fc4 (or something like that), but might be what you're looking for.

Think the change was submitted this weekend.

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