[Asterisk-Users] Can this config sustain 30 users?

Noah Miller noahisaacmiller at gmail.com
Tue Jun 13 09:11:50 MST 2006

Hi Erick -

> Now This thread tells me that my dual core pentium d (a 700$ computer)
> will do the work. (the other equipment costs about 3500.00$). I do
> realize that i must minimize transcoding (ulaw all the way) but you're
> telling me it will work for 24 users (let's say 30 for round numbers)
> all with SIP phones in an IP network.

I do more with less hardware without any problems.  In one of our
offices I have a single P4 2.8Ghz with 1GB Ram and two SATA RAID 1
drives.  This machine currently serves about 35 sip phones (about 25
actively used), has a TE410P with one PRI, a TDM22 handling 2 backup
POTS lines on the FXO's and fax machines on the FXS's, and connects to
6 other offices via IAX that transcode to GSM.  It also acts as a DNS
resolver, the FTP server for the Polycom SIP phones, and runs NTP.  At
one point I had it running FOP, which is fairly resource intensive.
It could very easily handle much more.  Top shows the CPU is between
92% (12 active channels) and 99.8% (2 active channels) idle, and
memory usage at about 470MB total, 290MB active.

All this is to say that you have plenty of hardware for your current
needs and considerable growth.

- Noah

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