[Asterisk-Users] quad t1 / 1U rack server combos

Steve Totaro stotaro at asteriskhelpdesk.com
Sun Jun 11 16:06:28 MST 2006

Colin Anderson wrote:
>      > C'mon guys! Certify a few current model servers and be done
>     with it. 
>     Problem is, certification is a moving target and can become
>     invalid with something as simple as a BIOS change by the
>     manufacturer. Now that the barrier to entry to changing a design
>     is almost nil, manufacturers love to screw around with designs to
>     save a few bucks. I have seen two identical boxes, labelled as
>     such by the manufacturer, bought in the same time period, but with
>     different guts. Digium would wind up with egg on their faces by
>     certifying a system, then 90 days later after everyone buys it,
>     finds out that some subtle change by the manufacturer has
>     destabilized the config.
>     I agree it is frustrating as hell, but this is the price we pay.
>     Would you rather buy a Mitel for 10X the $$$? Maybe in some
>     circumstances, it is worth it.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> lman/listinfo/asterisk-users

I bought two HP DL380s at the exact same time from CDW.  I used the 
first one to build an image to transfer to the other system.  When I 
booted the second system, kudzu reported different NICs.  So, yes, next 
to impossible to certify any hardware without the hardware 
manufacturer's help.

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