[Asterisk-Users] Native Music On Hold Volume LOUD! How to adjust?

Kristian Kielhofner kris at krisk.org
Thu Jun 8 08:57:44 MST 2006

Kevin P. Fleming wrote:
> ----- Matt <mhoppes at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I'm not using mpg123... I'm using NATIVE MOH!
> No, the native file playback method does not offer any means to
> manipulate the volume of the sound being played. If you need to, you
> can edit the MOH files themselves using your tool of choice (sox,
> Audacity, etc.) to set the desired volume level.

With sox try -V 0.25 (or -v 0.25).  I can't remember if it is an 
uppercase V or not.

Kristian Kielhofner

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