[asterisk-users] Multiple dialing

Marcus Carlson marcus at mejlamej.nu
Mon Jul 31 00:22:14 MST 2006

Hi all,

I know I can do multiple dialing by executing Dial(SIP/ext1&SIP/ext2...) 
but my problem is that I would like to call the first extension for 10 
seconds then call both the first and the second. If I do

exten => s,1,Dial(SIP/ext1,10)
exten => s,2,Dial(SIP/ext1&SIP/ext2)

there will be a pause after calling ext1, this might not be a problem 
when dialing internally via SIP but if I do SIP/01234567 at mysipprovider 
there's quite a long pause.

So, my question is; How can I make SIP/ext1 call continual all the time?



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