[asterisk-users] bugs.digium.com

Armin Schindler armin at melware.de
Thu Jul 27 23:16:27 MST 2006

On Thu, 27 Jul 2006, Russell Bryant wrote:
> > Fine... so how do you file an enhancement request then? If there's no
> > way to file an enhancement request, then this is the most appropriate
> > place to file this.
> The bug tracker is really is not a good place for feature requests.  You
> have to understand that this is the tool we have for managing all of
> Asterisk development contributions and bugs.  If every user posted every
> feature they think should be implemented on there, it would make it much
> more difficult for us to manage.
> The developers *do* monitor the mailing lists.  One of the major reasons
> we monitor the lists is to understand the issues that users are facing.
> Believe me, if you start a discussion on this mailing list regarding
> this issue, it will get noted, and if we are able, we will make
> improvements to make things easier for you.  Also keep in mind that
> there are many thousands of users with many different ideas and
> drastically fewer developers that can implement them.

That reminds me of other feature-requests I wanted to follow. So I would 
like to ask what the correct way would be for feature-requests? As far as I 
was told, the developers-list should be used. But what if no one is 
responding on the feature-request? How should we 'track' that request, see 
its status? Every open-source software development I know, uses the same 
tool for bugs and requests. Why else would the bug-tracker then have a 
'feature-request' category?
Maybe not *every* user should add feature-requests to the tracker and should 
start a discussion on developers-list first, but then, when decided to 
actually confirm this request, it can be added to the tracker ???


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