[asterisk-users] bugs.digium.com

Douglas Garstang dgarstang at oneeighty.com
Thu Jul 27 07:32:58 MST 2006

I opened bug #0007490 the other day. The issue was that when you do a 'sip debug' on the Asterisk console, there was no way to have this output go _only_ to the messages file. Someone with the id of 'russell' in his infinite wisdom has deemed that this isn't a bug, closed it, and given me -2 karma points. 
It clearly is a bug, or at the VERY least, a limitation that needs to be fixed. So why the hell did he give me -2 karma points and say 'not actually a bug'. Fine... so how do you file an enhancement request then? If there's no way to file an enhancement request, then this is the most appropriate place to file this.
Its damn irritating not being able to have 'sip debug' output go to a file only, and this is what the options in logger.conf imply you should be able to do, which is another reason I don't understand why he took this irrational action. 
In a PRODUCTION environment, you can't be running a sip debug to your console. 
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