[asterisk-users] Hitting # to Transfer out of a Queue

Douglas Garstang dgarstang at oneeighty.com
Tue Jul 18 09:29:42 MST 2006

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Massimo Nuvoli [mailto:massimo at archivio.it]
> Sent: Monday, July 17, 2006 8:30 AM
> To: Asterisk Users Mailing List - Non-Commercial Discussion
> Subject: Re: [asterisk-users] Hitting # to Transfer out of a Queue
> Douglas Garstang ha scritto:
> > I have dialled into a Queue, and an agent has answered the 
> call with AgentcallbackLogin().
> > The agent hits #1, to transfer the call. Asterisk responds 
> with 'Transfer', followed by dial tone.
> > As soon as I enter a digit, Asterisk responds with 'I am 
> sorry. That is not a valid extension'
> > 
> > This is working for regular user-user dialling, not going 
> through Queues. The queue app has Tt passed to it.
> > 
> > Anyone got any ideas?
> In the queue configuration there is a "context" used when dialing
> (also in this case).
> Also, check the console, something like "unable to find XY extension
> in KZ context" must come out with the error.

Asterisk is logging:

Jul 18 10:02:38 VERBOSE[28172] logger.c:     -- Unable to find extension '1' in context ''

I don't know why the context is empty, because I am setting it...

exten => oe_ccare,1,                NoOp(*** Incoming call from ${CALLERID} to queue oe_ccare)
exten => oe_ccare,n,                Set(TIMEOUT(response)=5)
exten => oe_ccare,n,                GotoIfTime(8:00-17:00|mon-fri|*|*?one_queue_acd,oe_ccare-open,1)
exten => oe_ccare,n,                Goto(oe_ccare-shut,1)
exten => oe_ccare-open,1,           Answer
exten => oe_ccare-open,n,           Set(__TRANSFER_CONTEXT=one_start)
exten => oe_ccare-open,n,           NoOp(${__TRANSFER_CONTEXT})
exten => oe_ccare-open,n(queue1),   Queue(oe_custcare||||30) 

but... it's still empty!

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