[asterisk-users] Provider UNREACHABLE

Ira ira at extrasensory.com
Tue Jul 11 09:08:01 MST 2006

At 04:59 AM 7/11/2006, you wrote:
>I am repeatedly getting a UNREACHABLE and then REACHABLE about 10 sec
>apart most of the time and then sometimes for about 45 - 74 minutes
>I have tried a reload and sip reload  but neither bring the provider
>back ?

I see this with sipdiscount and it's brethren occasionally.  I'm 
guessing it has something to do with latency in the outside world, 
like why is the internet blazing fast one minute and painfully slow 5 
minutes later.  Here(Los Angeles) it tends to happen late at night, 
mostly when I'm asleep.


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