[asterisk-users] 2 NICs; Asterisk receives on eth1 and replieson eth0

Avi Miller avi.miller at squiz.net
Mon Jul 10 23:23:05 MST 2006

Douglas Garstang wrote:
> Yes, we tried to do the same thing. We wanted our Asterisk system to be multi-homed. 

My head office Asterisk box is multi-homed: I have three networks across 
two NICs. One dedicated to hardphones, another to the local LAN (and 
PC-based softphones). The third network is bound to the same NIC as the 
LAN, but has different IP addressing. This links to our national VPN to 
connect to Asterisk boxes in other cities.

All of the regional Asterisk boxes are also multi-homed. They have two 
IP addresses (sometimes on one NIC, sometimes on two). One connected to 
the local LAN, the other to the national VPN.


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