[asterisk-users] Re: Metermaid phone compatibility

Dr. Michael J. Chudobiak mjc at avtechpulse.com
Mon Jul 10 09:44:07 MST 2006

shadowym wrote:
> Yes, I am using the patch on  It seemed to work fine.
> Still curious if anyone has this working on an Aastra phone?  I can't get it
> to work but someone in the bug.digium.com list said they had it working on
> an Aastra phone.  Maybe I am missing something.  I tried just about
> everything I can think of.  How does metermaid work?  Is it using
> devicestate() similar to what the bristuff patch does or is it a different
> mechanism.  What does the phone need to support in order for this to work.
> As far as I know, Aastra phones only support SIP device monitoring for BLF
> with the current firmware.

The metermaid- patch uses devicestate (AST_DEVICE_NOT_INUSE 
and AST_DEVICE_INUSE) and SIP subscribe/notify messages. If you can use 
hints to monitor the status of normal lines, then it should work for the 
parking slots too.

See the "Parking Lot Status / Access from the Programmable Buttons / 
LEDs" section at http://www.voip-info.org/wiki/view/Asterisk+phone+snom 
for the procedure for setting it up with Snom 360s. Maybe it will help 
with your Aastra too...

(The trunk code has something different apparently. I'm not sure where 
that is documented.)

- Mike

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