[Asterisk-Users] Unable to get IP of eth0

SoFie fiett at skynet.be
Sun Jan 29 11:40:32 MST 2006

Hi all, 


I'm trying to set up my asterisk server, but I'm having a few problems. 


My server is running with a public IP -address.  

When I want to set up a call with a softphone in my private network behind a
router I'm always having an error message. 


In the CLI session we get a message when the softphone starts up.  But after
that we get immediately the message 

Unable to get IP of eth0 : cannot assign requested addresses. 


I'm using NAT so I changed in my router the port forwarding.  

So the SIP/RTP ports are forwarding to my PC and there's just one client in
my network. 


Can somebody help me?





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