[Asterisk-Users] PRI

Ali Arshad aali at infonox.com
Thu Jan 19 15:48:21 MST 2006


I am having problem with  T1 configuration.



Following r the config..





# Autogenerated by /usr/local/sbin/genzaptelconf -- do not hand edit

# Zaptel Configuration File


# This file is parsed by the Zaptel Configurator, ztcfg



# It must be in the module loading order


span    = 1,1,0,esf,b8zs

# fxsks=1-24

bchan   =       1-23

dchan   =       24

# Span 1: TE2/0/1 "T2XXP (PCI) Card 0 Span 1"

# ??: 1 TE2/0/1/1 FXSKS

# ??: 2 TE2/0/1/2

# ??: 3 TE2/0/1/3

# ??: 4 TE2/0/1/4

# ??: 5 TE2/0/1/5

# ??: 6 TE2/0/1/6

# ??: 7 TE2/0/1/7

# ??: 8 TE2/0/1/8

# ??: 9 TE2/0/1/9

# ??: 10 TE2/0/1/10

# ??: 11 TE2/0/1/11

# ??: 12 TE2/0/1/12

# ??: 13 TE2/0/1/13

# ??: 14 TE2/0/1/14

# ??: 15 TE2/0/1/15

# ??: 16 TE2/0/1/16

# ??: 17 TE2/0/1/17

# ??: 18 TE2/0/1/18

# ??: 19 TE2/0/1/19

# ??: 20 TE2/0/1/20

# ??: 21 TE2/0/1/21

# ??: 22 TE2/0/1/22

# ??: 23 TE2/0/1/23

# ??: 24 TE2/0/1/24

loadzone        = us

defaultzone     = us









; pri_cpe = PRI slave ; pri_net = PRI master



context=from-pstn ; Points to the default context of your

channel => 1-23






I am using Asterisk@ home  Asterisk version is 1.2.0



I created a trunk  ZAP/g2  it say all circuits r busy..


I have Digium Wildcard TE205P


If any one have working config please let me know.








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