[Asterisk-Users] ztdummy on gentoo 2005.1

Miguel mmiranda at 123.com.sv
Thu Feb 9 08:10:26 MST 2006

Tzafrir Cohen wrote:

>On Wed, Feb 08, 2006 at 07:10:16PM -0600, Miguel wrote:
>>Hi i followed this instructions for installing ztdummy on a 2.6 kernel 
>>(taken from 
>>cd /usr/src/zaptel
>>   * READ /usr/src/zaptel/README.udev and follow the steps
>>   * check modules on: /etc/sysconfig/zaptel> if you have no digium
>>     hardware comment out all modeules except ztdummy.
>>- make linux26
>>- make install
>>- Reboot to make udev changes take effect
>Why reboot? Shouldn't it take effect immidietly for new devices?
I dont know, i just followed the instructions :-)

>>voip zaptel-1.2.3 # modprobe ztdummy
>>FATAL: Error inserting ztdummy 
>>(/lib/modules/2.6.12-gentoo-r10/misc/ztdummy.o): Invalid module format
>>FATAL: Error running install command for ztdummy
>ztdummy.o shouldn't have been copied in the first place, though.
>Could you please give a more detailed log of what happened in 'make
>linux26' and 'make install'?

sure, this the log result:

Makefile:204: target `ztdummy.o' given more than once in the same rule.
-DZAPTEL_CONFIG=\"/etc/zaptel.conf\"   -c -o gendigits.o gendigits.c
cc -o gendigits gendigits.o -lm
-DZAPTEL_CONFIG=\"/etc/zaptel.conf\"    makefw.c   -o makefw
./makefw tormenta2.rbt tor2fw > tor2fw.h
Loaded 69900 bytes from file
./makefw pciradio.rbt radfw > radfw.h
Loaded 42096 bytes from file
ZAPTELVERSION="" build_tools/make_version_h > version.h.tmp
if cmp -s version.h.tmp version.h ; then echo; else \
    mv version.h.tmp version.h ; \

rm -f version.h.tmp
-DZAPTEL_CONFIG=\"/etc/zaptel.conf\"   -c -o ztcfg.o ztcfg.c
-DZAPTEL_CONFIG=\"/etc/zaptel.conf\" -DBUILDING_TONEZONE -o zonedata.lo 
-DZAPTEL_CONFIG=\"/etc/zaptel.conf\" -DBUILDING_TONEZONE -o tonezone.lo 
ar rcs libtonezone.a zonedata.lo tonezone.lo
cc -o ztcfg ztcfg.o libtonezone.a -lm
-DZAPTEL_CONFIG=\"/etc/zaptel.conf\"   -c -o torisatool.o torisatool.c
cc -o torisatool torisatool.o
-DZAPTEL_CONFIG=\"/etc/zaptel.conf\"   -c -o ztmonitor.o ztmonitor.c
cc -o ztmonitor ztmonitor.o
cc -o ztspeed.o -c ztspeed.c
cc -o ztspeed ztspeed.o
-DZAPTEL_CONFIG=\"/etc/zaptel.conf\"    zttest.c   -o zttest
-DZAPTEL_CONFIG=\"/etc/zaptel.conf\"   -c -o fxotune.o fxotune.c
cc -o fxotune fxotune.o -lm
make -C /lib/modules/2.6.12-gentoo-r10/build 
SUBDIRS=/usr/local/src/zaptel-1.2.3 modules
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-2.6.12-gentoo-r10'
/usr/local/src/zaptel-1.2.3/Makefile:204: target `ztdummy.o' given more 
than once in the same rule.
  CC [M]  /usr/local/src/zaptel-1.2.3/ztdummy.o
  Building modules, stage 2.
*** Warning: "zt_transmit" [/usr/local/src/zaptel-1.2.3/ztdummy.ko] 
*** Warning: "zt_receive" [/usr/local/src/zaptel-1.2.3/ztdummy.ko] 
*** Warning: "zt_unregister" [/usr/local/src/zaptel-1.2.3/ztdummy.ko] 
*** Warning: "zt_register" [/usr/local/src/zaptel-1.2.3/ztdummy.ko] 
  CC      /usr/local/src/zaptel-1.2.3/ztdummy.mod.o
  LD [M]  /usr/local/src/zaptel-1.2.3/ztdummy.ko
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-2.6.12-gentoo-r10'
cc -shared -Wl,-soname,libtonezone.so.1.0 -lm -o libtonezone.so 
zonedata.lo tonezone.lo
install -m 444 udev/zaptel.rules-combined /etc/udev/rules.d/zaptel.rules
install -D -m 755 ztcfg /sbin/ztcfg
if [ -f sethdlc-new ]; then \
    install -D -m 755 sethdlc-new /sbin/sethdlc; \
elif [ -f sethdlc ]; then \
    install -D -m 755 sethdlc /sbin/sethdlc ; \
if [ -f zttool ]; then install -D -m 755 zttool /sbin/zttool; fi
if [ -f zaptel.ko ]; then \
    for x in ztdummy.ko ztdummy.ko; do \
        rm -f /lib/modules/2.6.12-gentoo-r10/extra/$x ; \
    done; \
    make -C /lib/modules/2.6.12-gentoo-r10/build 
SUBDIRS=/usr/local/src/zaptel-1.2.3 INSTALL_MOD_PATH= 
INSTALL_MOD_DIR=misc modules_install; \
    if ! [ -f wcfxsusb.ko ]; then \
        rm -f /lib/modules/2.6.12-gentoo-r10/misc/wcfxsusb.ko; \
    fi; \
    rm -f /lib/modules/2.6.12-gentoo-r10/misc/wcfxs.ko; \
else \
    for x in ztdummy.o ztdummy.o; do \
        install -D -m 644 $x /lib/modules/2.6.12-gentoo-r10/misc/$x ; \
    done; \
    if ! [ -f wcfxsusb.o ]; then \
        rm -f /lib/modules/2.6.12-gentoo-r10/misc/wcfxsusb.o; \
    fi; \
    rm -f /lib/modules/2.6.12-gentoo-r10/misc/wcfxs.o; \
install -D -m 755 libtonezone.so /usr/lib/libtonezone.so.1.0
[ `id -u` = 0 ] && /sbin/ldconfig || :
rm -f /usr/lib/libtonezone.so
ln -sf libtonezone.so.1.0 \
ln -sf libtonezone.so.1.0 \
if [ -x /usr/sbin/sestatus ] && (/usr/sbin/sestatus | grep "SELinux 
status:" | grep -q "enabled") ; then restorecon -v 
/usr/lib/libtonezone.so; fi
install -D -m 644 zaptel.h /usr/include/linux/zaptel.h
install -D -m 644 torisa.h /usr/include/linux/torisa.h
install -D -m 644 tonezone.h /usr/include/tonezone.h
install -m 644 doc/ztcfg.8 /usr/share/man/man8
install -m 644 doc/zttool.8 /usr/share/man/man8
if [ -n "/etc/modules.d/zaptel" ]; then \
    if [ -f /etc/modules.d/zaptel ]; then mv -f /etc/modules.d/zaptel 
/etc/modules.d/zaptel.bak ; fi; \
    cat /etc/modules.d/zaptel.bak | grep -v "alias char-major-250" | \
    grep -v "post-install torisa /sbin/ztcfg" | \
    grep -v "post-install wcfxsusb /sbin/ztcfg" | \
    grep -v "alias wctdm" | \
    grep -v "post-install wctdm /sbin/ztcfg" > /etc/modules.d/zaptel; \
    if ! grep "options torisa" /etc/modules.d/zaptel; then \
        echo "options torisa base=0xd0000" >> /etc/modules.d/zaptel; \
    fi; \
    if ! grep "alias char-major-196" /etc/modules.d/zaptel; then \
        echo "alias char-major-196 torisa" >> /etc/modules.d/zaptel; \
    fi; \
    for x in ztdummy ztdummy; do \
        if ! grep -q "post-install $x" /etc/modules.d/zaptel; then \
            if ! grep -q "install $x " /etc/modules.d/zaptel; then \
                if [ "$x" != "zaptel" ] ; then \
                    if [ -f zaptel.ko ]; then echo "install $x 
/sbin/modprobe --ignore-install $x && /sbin/ztcfg" >> 
/etc/modules.d/zaptel; \
                    else echo "post-install $x /sbin/ztcfg" >> 
/etc/modules.d/zaptel; \
                    fi; \
                fi; \
            fi; \
        fi; \
    done; \
    if ! grep "ias wcfxs" /etc/modules.d/zaptel; then \
        echo "alias wcfxs wctdm" >> /etc/modules.d/zaptel; \
    fi; \
    if ! grep "alias wct2xxp" /etc/modules.d/zaptel; then \
        echo "alias wct2xxp wct4xxp" >> /etc/modules.d/zaptel; \
    fi; \
options torisa base=0xd0000
alias char-major-196 torisa
if [ -d /etc/modutils ]; then \
    /sbin/update-modules ; \
[ `id -u` = 0 ] && /sbin/depmod -a 2.6.12-gentoo-r10 || :
[ -f /etc/zaptel.conf ] || install -D -m 644 zaptel.conf.sample 

thanks in advance

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