[asterisk-users] CLI History

Luki lugosoft at gmail.com
Mon Dec 11 23:19:13 MST 2006

> thats prety smart...   think hard.. wot was the command u gave to exit
> the CLI??

OK, come on everyone. This is getting ridiculous. That's the entire
point that "stop now" was NOT the last command on the CLI, yet it
shows up at the most recent upon recall with the Up key. I have the
same, except in my case it's stuck on "show channels" (which is rather
convenient so I didn't complain). And yes, it doesn't matter if I exit
the CLI with Ctrl+C or exit. In my case it's probably a permission
issue since I run * non-root and chroot'ed.

Either way, I don't see why the history could not be save upon exit
with Ctrl+C -- the mySQL client does it.


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