[asterisk-users] RE: 0002475: [patch] Allow app_directory to work with REALTIME

JR Richardson jmr.richardson at gmail.com
Wed Dec 6 18:30:53 MST 2006

I tried the patch.  The config.c.patch was ok, the app_directory patch

lab1:/usr/src/asterisk- more app_directory.c.rej 
*** 426,437 ****
                ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "directory requires an argument
                return -1;
-       cfg = ast_config_load(DIRECTORY_CONFIG);
-       if (!cfg) {
-               ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to open directory configuration
-               return -1;
-       }
-       LOCAL_USER_ADD(u);
        context = ast_strdupa(data);
        dialcontext = strchr(context, '|');
--- 492,498 ----
                ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "directory requires an argument
                return -1;
        context = ast_strdupa(data);
        dialcontext = strchr(context, '|');
*** 447,452 ****
        } else
                dialcontext = context;
        dirintro = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg, context, "directoryintro");
        if (!dirintro || ast_strlen_zero(dirintro))
                dirintro = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg, "general",
--- 508,522 ----
        } else
                dialcontext = context;
+       cfg = realtime_directory(context);
+       if (!cfg) {
+               ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to open/create directory
configuration %s\n", DIRECTORY
+               return -1;
+       }
+       LOCAL_USER_ADD(u);
        dirintro = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg, context, "directoryintro");
        if (!dirintro || ast_strlen_zero(dirintro))
                dirintro = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg, "general",

From: JR Richardson [mailto:jmr.richardson at gmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 06, 2006 7:17 PM
To: 'asterisk-users at lists.digium.com'
Subject: 0002475: [patch] Allow app_directory to work with REALTIME

Hi All,

I’m running stable.  I’m wondering has this patch been applied to
stable release or is it still only in CVS.  Will this file patch apply
correctly to stable?  Which file do I patch?  I’m guessing
app_directory_realtime_1.6.1.patch and  config.h.patch or  config.c.patch.



JR Richardson
Engineering for the Masses

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