[asterisk-users] Digium TDM400P Vs Sangoma A200

Rich Adamson radamson at routers.com
Wed Aug 16 09:07:23 MST 2006

Jonathan Borden wrote:
> I was wondering which of these cards would be better for a 1-2 line 
> SOHO.  I would like room to grow as well as I am concerned with voice 
> quality and life expectancy of the product.  Any input into which one 
> and why would be greatly appreciated.

The sangoma a200d does a much better job in terms of audio quality (eg, 
no echo) compared to the tdm400p. The difference is primarily in the 
hardware echo canceler implementation on the a200d.

The tdm400p does a fine job on pstn loops that are relatively short 
where the software echo canceler seems to be able to handle echo.

Neither card seems to have any issues with early failures, etc, and 
there are no guarantees from either vendor as to future support.

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