[Asterisk-Users] Re: ztdummy and Linux 2.6.13-rc7

Doug Lytle support at drdos.info
Mon Sep 5 04:28:20 MST 2005

Tony Mountifield wrote:

>In article <431B8F50.3040503 at drdos.info>,
>Doug Lytle <support at drdos.info> wrote:
>There was nothing wrong with the original kernel config, as both rtc and
>genrtc were set to be compiled as modules.
>What you need to do is find where the system is deciding to load genrtc
>and make it load rtc instead. Failing that, before loading zaptel and
>ztdummy, do "modprobe -r genrtc" followed by "modprobe rtc".

Thanks for the input Tony, but the instructions that Rob Thomas wrote 
took care of my issue.

Thanks again to both of you!


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