[Asterisk-Users] One SIP dead, all SIP dead -- sipmedia gone?

Joe Greco jgreco at ns.sol.net
Sat Oct 22 14:33:27 MST 2005

> Thanks for the wealth of information.  I knew they were off-air
> DNS-wise, and this happened before a couple of times.  It's just bad
> juju to have all your IPs in one block.

Actually, they didn't have all their DNS servers in one block.

It's also a fallacy that having DNS servers in a single block (or, 
"worse", sequentially numbered) isnecessarily a bad thing.  For a long 
while, we ran with sequentially numbered servers that were in 
completely different cities, thanks to the magic of OSPF and not using
Ethernet IP addresses as service addresses.  There are arguments for 
and against certain kinds of diversity, of course, all of which have to
do with the available failure modes.

However, in this case, both their networks are dead, and with only two
name servers, that's zero for two, and of course that /will/ be a bad

> I don't think they were reselling, and I actually thought I had a pretty
> good report with them -- just have been unable to get anyone on the
> phone today.  Other than that, had several DIDs with them at $5/month,
> and really haven't seen major issues other than DTMF not working -- but
> then, they are SIP-only.  But between pricing and availability, they've
> been the best provider out of all I tried (Vonage, Broadvoice,
> voicepulse, iax.cc, ... )

Best price is occasionally a bad sign.

... JG
Joe Greco - sol.net Network Services - Milwaukee, WI - http://www.sol.net
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