[Asterisk-Users] Goiax.com DID not working anymore?

Luki lugosoft at gmail.com
Fri Oct 21 09:46:28 MST 2005

> When I make a call out form the 1st to GoIAX and into my 2nd box,
> I see this "Oct 21 13:46:39 NOTICE[4948]: Rejected connect attempt
> from" which in other words mean that the call comes
> in but nothing happens to it.

Not quite. It means YOU rejected it. You need to have a section in
iax.conf with your IAX username, so like this:

[878201001258]   ;inbound

This will only accept calls from server1.goiax.com with username
878201001258. You could remove the host=server1.goiax.com to make it
more open and accept calls from other hosts for that username.

BTW, I never tried the above config...

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