[Asterisk-Users] fax - conversion problem

asterisk at frameweb.it asterisk at frameweb.it
Mon Oct 17 05:25:52 MST 2005

The problem is in the tiff2ps, not in the ps2pdf.
I found that if I remove the -h and -w parameter everything is OK

in extensions.conf I replaced :

exten => s,1,Answer
exten => s,2,Goto(in_fax,1)
exten => in_fax,1,GotoIf($[${FAX_RX} = system]?2:analog_fax,1)
exten => in_fax,2,Macro(faxreceive)
;exten => in_fax,3,system(tiff2ps -2eaz -w 8.5 -h 11 ${FAXFILE} | ps2pdf -
${FAXFILE}.pdf) ; this line does not work
exten => in_fax,3,system(tiff2ps -2eaz ${FAXFILE} | ps2pdf -
${FAXFILE}.pdf) ; this line is ok

Actually I don't know what is the problem: this is a workaround


             asterisk at frameweb                                             
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             asterisk-users-bo         asterisk-users at lists.digium.com     
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                                       [Asterisk-Users] fax - conversion   
             17/10/2005 13.41          problem                             
             Please respond to                                             
              Asterisk Users                                               
              Mailing List -                                               
             <asterisk-users at l                                             

I am having a strange problem.

On one * box I setup the fax recive, via spandsp -app_rxfax

I have no problem here.

On a second box I did the same. The resulting PDF appear "corrupt".

If I transmit the same fax to both * box, the tiff files received are the

A deeper analysis shows the only problem is the width and heigth of the

In the first PDF, I see
<</Type/Page/MediaBox [0 0 595 842]./Rotate 0/Parent 3 0

In the second PDF, I see
<</Type/Page/MediaBox [0 0 8.5 11]./Rotate 0/Parent 3 0

If in the second  PDF, I replace the width and height according to the
first, it becomes OK

So it seeems that the second file does not convert the width and height
information (8.5 X 11 inches) in pixels

The fist box is a Suse Linux 8.1
The second box is a Suse Linux 9.2

the producers are
</Producer(ESP Ghostscript 7.05)> on the first box
</Producer(ESP Ghostscript 7.07)> on the second box

The configured language is u.s english on both boxes

any help will be greatly appreciated,

thanks in advance,


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