[Asterisk-Users] meetme + sendtext

Jean-Denis Girard jd.girard at sysnux.pf
Wed Nov 23 10:13:22 MST 2005

BJ Weschke wrote:
>  Yes. The biggest challenge is putting together a mux device that
> mixes the text frames out to all of the user/channel threads in the
> conference.

I've updated my initial patch two days ago. Now a new thread is created
for each new message sent to the conference: this thread sends the
message to all members of the conference, and then exits. So there is no
more risk of blocking the sending channel. There is no mixing of text
messages, but do we really need that ?

As a side note I didn't get email from bug tracker about my update

Jean-Denis Girard

SysNux                  Systèmes Linux en Polynésie française
http://www.sysnux.pf/   Tél: +689 483 527 / GSM: +689 797 527

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