[Asterisk-Users] Call parking on Polycom IP501

Anthony Rodgers Anthony_Rodgers at dnv.org
Tue Nov 22 14:56:30 MST 2005

Hi there,

Instead of asking a question, I thought I'd post an answer. I got the  
Polycom IP501 'Park' softkey working with * by doing the following:


parkext => 1000
parkpos => 1001-1009
context => parkedcalls
parkingtime => 120
transferdigittimeout => 3
courtesytone = beep

Nothing unusual there. Here's the neat bit:


[internal] ; or whatever the relevant context is for you - it's usually  
wherever your Polycom lives
include => parkedcalls
exten =>  

By using SIP DEBUG, I discovered that the Polycom attempts to re-invite  
the call to an extension called callpark. I couldn't get Park() to work  
(it announces the stall number to the parked caller, instead of the  
parker, for some reason), but using ParkAndAnnouce puts the parked call  
on hold, hangs up the parker and then immediately calls them back with  
an announcement of the stall number.

Hope this helps someone out......

Anthony Rodgers
Business Systems Analyst
District of North Vancouver
Web: http://www.dnv.org
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