[Asterisk-Users] IAX softphone's sporadic performance - Keep Alive Issue?

Geoffrey Cleaves gcleaves at yahoo.com.au
Thu Nov 17 06:13:15 MST 2005

The problem is that my IAX softphone only receives calls sporatically.
  I am using both Firefly and Diax (not at the same time!) to connect  from inside my office network (behind NAT) to my Asterisk (1.0.9) box  in my home (behind NAT.)  The softphone registers as an extension  no problem and originates calls perfectly.  The problem is that  incoming calls to Asterisk frequently do not ring my softphone although  instructed to by the dial command.  My gut tells me that this is a  timing issue and that the office firewall is closing the connection  just before the call comes in.  
  Can the frequency of the keep-alive packets be increased?
  Below is the output of the CLI.  gcleaves is the name of the IAX2  softphone extension.  The output says "Called" but the phone does  not ring.  The other two extensions are on the same network as  Asterisk and ring just fine.
  Any ideas?
      -- Accepting AUTHENTICATED call from 192.xxx.xx.xx, requested format = 4, actual format = 4
      -- Executing  Dial("IAX2/iaxfwd at 192.xxx.xxx.xxx:4569/2",  "SIP/cordless&SIP/telefonica1&IAX2/gcleaves|20|tThH") in new  stack
      -- Called cordless
      -- Called telefonica1
      -- Called gcleaves
      -- SIP/telefonica1-52dd is ringing
      -- SIP/cordless-d992 is ringing
      -- Registered 'gcleaves' (AUTHENTICATED) at 6x.xxx.xxx.xx:37642
      -- Nobody picked up in 20000 ms

Geoffrey Cleaves
Skype: gtcleaves
Yahoo! Messenger: gcleaves
IAX: iax:guest at voip.gcleaves.com/gcleaves
FWD: 697925
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