[Asterisk-Users] Philips - [QSIG] - Alcatel - [H323] - Asterisk -[SIP] - Users.

Andreas Sikkema andreas.sikkema at ritstele.com
Wed May 4 07:26:01 MST 2005

DT wrote:

> Firstly we have to connect our Asterisk system to a Philips PBX
> throught QSIG protocol (interfaces S0), but we doesn't find any
> documentation about the support of QSIG and S0 interfaces by
> Asterisk.   
> [PSTN/ISDN] <---> Philips <-[QSIG over S0]-> Asterisk <-[SIP]->
> Final users. 
> Is it possible?
> does Asterisk support QSIG and S0 interfaces?

As far as I know, Asterisk doesn't support QSIG. Do you 
_have to_ use QSIG?

I'd just use a PRI interface (DTU-PH IIRC) to connect to 
Asterisk with a sutable PCI card in the server.

Andreas Sikkema                Rits tele.com
Van Vollenhovenstraat 3    3016 BE Rotterdam
t: +31 (0)10 2245544  f: +31 (0)10 413 65 45

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