[Asterisk-Users] Flashpannel: How to get more than 28 buttons?

Ronald Wiplinger ronald at elmit.com
Sat Mar 26 08:05:37 MST 2005

Nicolás Gudiño wrote:

>Attached an op_style.cfg with smaller buttons. Regards,
Thank you again for the help, ...

I am still looking for more ;-)

1. How can I make multiple pages? linking from one to the next?
2. How can I "see" my gateway activities (sipgate, broadvoice, ....) ?

3. The time error I found is not because of time drift, ... it seems to 
be constant 10 minutes !
4. Can I have overlapping multiple pages?
E.g. a customer of mine will see only HIS extension numbers, but I can 
see all?



Ronald Wiplinger  (CEO of ELMIT)
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