[Asterisk-Users] multiline, cordless, expandable phone system and asterisk message waiting

Calvin Hendryx-Parker calvin at sixfeetup.com
Tue Mar 22 14:29:05 MST 2005

On Mar 22, 2005, at 2:34 PM, Harondel J. Sibble wrote:
> 1) The base station/corded phone is not wall mountable (not critical)
> 2) The unit doesn't have WMWI (visual message waiting indicator) for 
> Telco
> provided voicemail, the VMWI only works with the units onboard 
> answering
> system. :-(

I have been using the Siemens Gigaset 8825 with a Cisco and Motorola 
ATA and it includes a VMWI on the base and cordless handset.  Works 
like a charm so I would assume you could set it up to work with 
Asterisk.  I haven't checked out the newer Gigaset line, but they are 
nice phones.  2-lines with tons of features and 2.4Ghz.

The base isn't wall mountable, but you can't have everything  ;-)


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