[Asterisk-Users] Asterisk, SER & Jabber

Olle E. Johansson oej at edvina.net
Tue Mar 22 00:43:45 MST 2005

Gustavo García wrote:
> Asterisk & SER are (more or less) SIP servers  and Jabber is a completly 
> different protocol.  There are no relation between jabber and Asterisk/SER.
There is a patch that adds Jabber notification to Asterisk in the bug 

> Asterisk is not oriented to instant messaging and presence, it's 
> oriented to telephony and telephony services.

This will change a lot in the coming six months.

There are patches that adds a bit of SIMPLE precense to Asterisk in the 
bug tracker. Also, there's numerous discussions between developers on 
how to make presence and messaging an integrated part of Asterisk.

...and in the Asterisk booth at Von 2005, Josh (file) demonstrated a way 
to send SIP text messages to phones from Asterisk. Just for 
demonstration, but still a useful little app.

> In a typical instant messaging deployment you can use Jabber because 
> it's more extended than SIP today for that purpouse.  In a typical 
> telephony/videoconference deployment you can use SER/Asterisk, and also 
> provide basic instant messaging and presence.

I think both SIMPLE and Jabber integration is a way forward. Asterisk 
has a tradition of being multi-protocol.


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