[Asterisk-Users] G726-16 passthrough...

Brian McCrary bmccrary at lwav.net
Mon Mar 21 09:01:16 MST 2005


I'm wondering if anyone has benn able to successfully get g726-16
passthrouhg to work?  I am wanting to use this codec instead of g729 as
I'm running out of DSPs using a high complexity codec on the Ciscos.  I
would think it would work just as g729 does, which has been working fine
for me, but it does not.  G726-32 does work great however, but it's like
Asterisk doesn't recognize the payload tpyes for G726-16.  Here's what I
get when trying:

Found RTP audio format 98
Found RTP audio format 101
Found description format G726-16
Found description format telephone-event
Capabilities: us - 0x14 (ulaw|g726), peer - audio=0x0
(nothing)/video=0x0 (nothing), combined - 0x0 (nothing)
Non-codec capabilities: us - 0x1 (g723), peer - 0x1 (g723), combined -
0x1 (g723)
Mar 21 10:54:01 NOTICE[29735]: chan_sip.c:2917 process_sdp: No
compatible codecs

I have allow=g726 in the sip.conf file (I added disallow=all and made
sure that was the only allow statement to take care of any transcoding
issues Asterisk might be trying to do).  It looks like the payload RTP
type is 98 which I don't see listed in rtp.c, could this be causing a



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