[Asterisk-Users] OT: Best DB

Joe Greco jgreco at ns.sol.net
Wed Mar 16 09:47:27 MST 2005

> I believe the driving factors for this are the ability to commercially
> license Mysql for product integration over PostgreSQL's BSD license,

This is a ridiculous FUD statement.  Are you actually trying to suggest that
one cannot commercially license PostgreSQL?

That's simply FALSE.

The primary difference is that you are likely to have to *pay* for a
commercial MySQL license, and you don't need to *pay* for one for

So let's not be completely stupid.  You can pay for your database if you
prefer.  Some of us prefer free software.

... JG
Joe Greco - sol.net Network Services - Milwaukee, WI - http://www.sol.net
"We call it the 'one bite at the apple' rule. Give me one chance [and] then I
won't contact you again." - Direct Marketing Ass'n position on e-mail spam(CNN)
With 24 million small businesses in the US alone, that's way too many apples.

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