[Asterisk-Users] How NuFone.Net's customer service works.

Linn Boyd lboyd.lists at fractionit.com
Mon Mar 14 16:04:46 MST 2005

Hello All,

    I have been using asterisk for some time, and I would like for all 
to take a look at what NuFone does when they get something called out 
about their website. I ordered a 800 number from them on 3/4/05, they 
did not make me aware of the time that they took in provisioning and how 
terrible their support was. I called them on Tuesday 3/8/05 asked for a 
phone call because the number had a weird message, also I emailed them 
on 3/7/05 and asked about the problem it took them until 3/11/05 to 
respond, I responded back to them and they ignored me until Today. 
Finally I got someone on the phone reguarding this and they said "don't 
bother us until after the 18th as we won't do anything, it says 10 days 
to provision a vanity" I told them, if the site said that, I wouldn't 
have accepted the terms. They said so, we won't refund you and that we 
have your money already. I emailed support with a screen shot of the 
website and asked him where it said 7-10, well at first he said it was 
on the at&t site then he said I edited my screen shot, this is after he 
changed his website. You can look at both of the pictures the first one 
is here http://www.fractionit.com/nufone.jpg and the second one is here 
http://www.fractionit.com/nufone2.jpg I hope that people that care about 
customer service avoid NuFone.net



Here are a couple of the emails that he sent me.

Linn Boyd - FractionIT wrote:

> This is a current shot of your order did, it doesn't show it until 
> after it is ordered. this is not correct, either full refund, or we 
> will dispute the charges today.
It is very obvious you edited that screen shot.  Processing fees are not 
refundable as defined in our terms and conditions, which you agreed to 
prior to signing up.

$10 is available for refund, that is all and we will own rights to your 
toll-free number.

Jeremy McNamara

> Jeremy McNamara wrote:
>> Linn Boyd wrote:
>>> Close our account fractionit and refund all money that we have paid 
>>> you, you did not disclose that it would take 7-10 days before it was 
>>> provisioned before we ordered the number, had that been stated, we 
>>> would have never ordered it from you.
>> We absolutely disclosed to you that vanity numbers take 7 to 10 
>> business days to provision.  Our web site states this as well as the 
>> email we send out.
>> Any refund will be less $25 for the processing fee.
>> Jeremy McNamara
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Linn Boyd - FractionIT wrote:

> where does your website show it? it does not show it, i have screen 
> shots about this, plus your support sucks
There is a one-time $25 fee to choose your own number
and this process takes 7 to 10 business days 

Plus, the email you received also states the same

Jeremy McNamara

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