[Asterisk-Users] X100P Clone, Which one?

Andrew Kohlsmith akohlsmith-asterisk at benshaw.com
Sat Mar 5 11:47:16 MST 2005

On March 5, 2005 12:02 pm, John Novack wrote:
> Since Digium no longer suppliers this card, they were denied NOTHING!

They offer comparable hardware.  TDM410P is $113.

> There is a LOT of traffic on this list about products that are not
> supplied by Digium. Do you want to exclude those also?

The Sangoma guys typically handle support for their own product, even on this 
list.  Atacomm's card hasn't hit the market yet.  The Sipura people sell 
hardware that Digium doesn't have similar hardware for.

I guess my specific beef was that he spent the time to research clone cards, 
bought one and is now asking for help solving his problem where if he just 
bought the Digium hardware he'd be up and running.  He's not stupid, and I'm 
willing to bet he's quite the opposite.

> Not to mention the 40-50 percent of traffic that does NOTHING to further
> the project, but is simple carping about this person not being able to
> find X, or that person is a dumbass because he asked Y.

Feel free to modify your mail filters to adjust the reality to your liking.  
I've already apologized for my remark about hoping nobody'd help him.  I 
still feel my point stands.  

And if nobody's going to educate the newbies, then how will they ever learn?  
Do you believe in letting your children do whatever they want, too?  There 
are 'defacto' rules for any system.  No, I don't have my shiny ListCop<tm> 
badge and I'm not, nor have I ever claimed to, speak on behalf of Digium or 
anyone else.  I'm taking time to try and educate people on what I perceive as 
normal and proper list ettiquette.  Not everyone agrees with me, this I will 
admit.  However most people do, and that's why lists are how they are.

You can easily see that I spend a great deal of time not only here but also on 
IRC helping people out.  Sometimes, like my original reply to this thread, I 
go overboard, but I generally have the decency to apologize.  Maybe you don't 
agree but I feel that my contributions to this list far outweigh what I 
detract from it.  You take the good with the bad.

> Ultimately we are ALL on our own. The hardware that Digium DOES supply
> is poorly supported.

I've generally had nothing but good support from Digium.  Now mind you I 
haven't had all that many problems with their hardware, so YMMV.


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