[Asterisk-Users] MozPhone

Jean-Denis Girard jd.girard at sysnux.pf
Wed Mar 2 11:40:58 MST 2005

Roderick A. Anderson a écrit :
> Jean-Denis Girard wrote:
>> Roman Zhovtulya a écrit :
>>> Where did you get it?
>>> I was looking on the internet and couldn't find any link to install this
>>> Mozilla extension.
>> Have a look at:
>> http://taina.sysnux.pf:8080/cps/sections/telephonie/copy_of_mozphone/view
>> Just clic on the link in the install section and install should begin, 
>> except it might be blocked by Mozilla (or Firefox) security settings.
> FYI the above link does not work.  The host is not found ( at least by 
> our nameservers ) but the Google.com search found this.
> http://www.sysnux.pf/cps/sections/telephonie/copy_of_mozphone/switchLanguage/en 

OK, I made an error with the first link (taina.sysnux.pf:8080 is not 
public). Link sent by Rod is correct, thanks.

> The only issue is the download/install link doesn't work.  I have sent a 
> message to the webmaster.   Jean-Denis -- do you have this honor?

Yes I do. I just checked from a new firefox install on linux and it 
seems to be working for me. I also see people succesfully downloading in 
my logs, but I'm afraid my ~100K DSL link is a bit busy. Anyway you can 
also try to directly download http://www.sysnux.pf/mozphone.xpi and 
install from file; be aware that you will also need to install jslib 
(from jslib.mozdev.org)


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