[Asterisk-Users] Re: Zap channel calling back after hangup (duetopolarity CID detection)

Bartek Kania mrbk at gnarf.org
Tue Mar 1 13:20:01 MST 2005

Hash: SHA1

On Tue, 1 Mar 2005, Anders F Eriksson wrote:
> > Make sure you load wctdm with the parameter
> > 'opermode=SWEDEN', it might help.
> > You might also try to increase the 'RING_DEBOUNCE' define in wctdm.c.
> > If you load wctdm with debug=1 it prints some useful
> > information to the kernel log for tuning the RING_DEBOUCE.
> opermode=SWEDEN did unfortunately not help. I increased the RING_DEBOUNCE
> and recompiled zaptel, and now it doesn't call back. However it seems it
> tries, but times out now.
> ---
> Starting post polarity CID detection on channel 4
>     -- Starting simple switch on 'Zap/4-1'
> Mar  1 17:48:11 WARNING[23918]: chan_zap.c:5351 ss_thread: DTMFCID timed out
> waiting for ring. Exiting simple switch
> ---

That is the expected behaviour. =)
It is so because when YOU hang up, asterisk hangs up the channel and destroys
it. A moment later (actually up to 90sec in sweden) the pstn disconnects the
call and signals a polarity reversal. That reversal causes the above.
I have a solution but I don't know enough about chan_zap to do it, and don't
have the time to learn.
The solution is basically to wait(with a timeout) for a reversal
indicating that the PSTN has terminated the call before destroying the
channel. But I don't really know where to put it.

- -- 
* GPG-Key: http://evil.gnarf.org/mrbk.pgp

A: Because we read from top to bottom, left to right.
Q: Why should i start my reply below the quoted text?
- -- http://www.i-hate-computers.demon.co.uk/

Version: GnuPG v1.2.5 (GNU/Linux)


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