[Asterisk-Users] FOP related questions

Daniel ANDRE dandre at iris-tech.fr
Wed Jun 22 06:58:46 MST 2005


I have downloaded and installed Flash Operator Panel. version 0.21. It 
works pretty well and I have some questions about it.

1. The text label of the buttons are partially hidden by their icons. Is 
there a way to adjust right margin for the buttons?
2. I would like to have the fop brought in the front of screen whenever 
and extension rings. Sort of crm feature but with fop and not another 
url. Is there a way to do that?
3. This question is notre directly related to fop but you may have the 
answer. I would like to have fop panel in tis own windows (no toolbar, 
menu, title, ...) either with FireFox and Internet Explorer. Any Idea?

Best regards,

Daniel ANDRÉ

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