[Asterisk-Users] SoftPhone - Solaris

Sebastian Silva ssilva at gaussar.com
Fri Jun 10 06:53:30 MST 2005


I am looking for a softphone (sip or iax) that works in Solaris/SPARC 
with sunray100 terminals. I found iaxcomm but it doesn't work. Also I am 
trying sip-communicator but I have several errors from JMF/RTP.

Does anyone have a softphone working over this platform? which one? I 
don't care if it is a commercial product, I can buy it if works fine.

thanks in advance.

Sebastian Silva
G R U P O  G A U S S
Depto. Sistemas
Av. Libertador 6250 4 piso
Tl.: 4 706-2222 (int. 121)
ssilva at gaussar.com

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