[Asterisk-Users] MozIAX phone on FC4/Firefox 1.6

Jean-Denis Girard jd.girard at sysnux.pf
Wed Jul 27 19:28:37 MST 2005

Jason Walker a écrit :
> I have no luck getting any other iax client to work on this server except
> for root. SJPhone, no problem. My network admin is pushing for IAX for some
> remote users - makes sense to me...
> One issue I am running into is that root is the only user able to access the
> libiaxclient.so file. I have this file in /usr/lib with rwxr-xr-x. I can not
> seem to make any normal user have access to the file(s) when an iax client
> starts.
> Do you have any thoughts on that issue?

I don't think libiaxclient.so is your problem, MozPhone doesn't use it,
it's statically linked.
I really think your problem is related to sound, especially if it works
as root: I don't use Fedora, but you should have a look at the access
rights to /dev/dsp*. Maybe you should add yourself to group audio or
something like that. You basically need rw access to audio device.

Jean-Denis Girard

SysNux                  Systèmes Linux en Polynésie française
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