[Asterisk-Users] Announcement: YAACID (Caller ID for Asterisk)

Mark Musone mmusone at gmail.com
Wed Jul 20 09:36:18 MST 2005

Hi everyone,

i'm announcing YAACID: Yet Another Asterisk Caller ID V0.9
it's the first public release. we've been using it in our office for a
couple of months now.

YAACID is a native Windows (.NET) program that sits in the
notification area and logs into the manager interface. it waits for a
call to come in on a monitored channel and then pops up the callerid
info in a very intuitive interface (like the callerid boxes for normal

It has a number of other features also:

      1. Has the ability to play any custom wav sound  when a call comes in

      2. Has the ability to spawn a web browser and when a call comes
in, and it can pass any of the following variables to a given web


        So, YAACID can be configured to have the following url:

        if a call comes in from:  716-852-5872, it will spawn a
browser and go to:


       3.YAACID can hold up to 50 calls in its Call ID History.

Feel free to download it and take a look:


Mark Musone

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