[Asterisk-Users] app_sms: problems sending a sms

Steffen Koepf taxman-ml at opaya.de
Thu Jan 27 08:43:10 MST 2005

Hello Seshu,

i think you solved your problem in the meantime, but here
are my points (for archive purposes), after it works here now.

>  Thanks Steffen. Please update me if this ever works.

The problem was (probably), that i put some lines in 
extension.conf for sending a sms, and triggered
this by calling this extension. Probably the sms app
can't get the right channel then.
After changing this, i had in the extensions.conf:

exten => _X.,1,SMS(default,,${EXTEN},${MSG})
exten => _X.,2,SMS(default)
exten => _X.,3,Hangup
exten => h,1,Hangup

(like a poster here posted it already) and put a call file
in /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/

root at tkserv:/tmp# cat testsms
Channel: Zap/g1/0090032669000
CallerID: SMS <35910>
MaxRetries: 2
RetryTime: 60
WaitTime: 30
Context: smsdial
Extension: 0179XXXXXXX
Priority: 1
SetVar: MSG=Text to send

That works here now.

A few hints:

- If it doesn't work, try to call the SMSC with your phone. You should
  hear the sound of a bird chirp and the SMSC should hangup after a
  few seconds.
  If you get something like "This number is not complete", try to add
  a zero at the end of the number and repeat.
  If nothing happens, check out if calling the number of the SMSC is 
  allowed from your line.

- Put the number of your desk phone in your call file instead of the
  number of your SMSC. After putting the call file in the outgoing dir,
  your desk phone should ring. Now you know that your asterisk-setup
  is ok (or not).

- Get and read the ETSI ES 201 912 standard to understand what's going
  on and to know the meaning of the message type codes the sms app
  is printing. I think this is a good idea to put this in the wiki.



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