[Asterisk-Users] Cisco 7960 Message Light on multiple phones

Mark Johnson asterisk at astroshapes.com
Wed Jan 26 07:43:21 MST 2005

Rich Adamson wrote:

>>Here is what I am attempting to do (which works well on Cisco Call 
>>Manger).  I have some 7960's that have multiple lines on them.  The 
>>second line specifically is a "helpdesk" line that is shared among 
>>multiple phones.  Here is how I am making that line ring on multiple 
>>phones, maybe you have other suggestions:
>>exten => 135,1,Dial(SIP/135 at 100&SIP/135 at 101,20,rt)
>>So this rings the second line on the phones that have the first line as 
>>100 and 101.  This works great.  When someone leaves a voicemail, the 
>>messagelight will only light on the phone that was booted up last.  Is 
>>there a way to make the light come on all of the helpdesk phones, with 
>>the second line icon displaying the correct mail icon?  
>I believe you'll find the phone that registered 'last' will be the
>one that gets the vm lite (not the last reboot). If your phones 
>re-register ever 3600 seconds, the last one gets the mwi indicator
>and that will cause the mwi to move between phones over time. (Snom
>phones had a similar problem some time ago.)
>I believe the current implementation for vm notification is to use
>a sip 'notify' message to turn on the mwi, and the sip protocol 
>implementation within * does not support sending 'notify' messages 
>to multiple phones. (E.g., how would * even know how many phones 
>you are trying to ring via the above dialplan entry?)
I was hoping that asterisk would be able to sort that out.  The neatest 
part about this setup is that this "shared extension" can have multiple 
calls going on.  Example: on Cisco Call Manger if you have a shared 
extension between three phones and someone picks up the line, none of 
the other phones can use that extension.  With SIP, If the same person 
picks up the line, so can the other two people.  The message light 
working on all of the phones would be great!

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