[Asterisk-Users] Re: [Fwd: Re: [Asterisk-biz] bellster.net

Guillaume du Manoir gdma-asterisk at bde.enseeiht.fr
Tue Jan 25 08:02:11 MST 2005


> In France, the second most important ADSL provider (named "Free")
> offers a phone line (which uses VoIP but can only be used as a FXS)
> with unlimited free calls to landlines.

I was wondering if I would use my Free phone line with Bellster as well, but I am
not sure this is authorized by the ISP :

[in French]
En particulier, l'utilisation du service à d'autres fins que privative
(par exemple partage de l'accès téléphonique avec des personnes extérieures
au foyer) ou raisonnable (taux d'utilisation manifestement excessif pour un
abonné particulier par exemple) ainsi que l'utilisation à titre gratuit ou
onéreux du service téléphonique de Freebox en tant que passerelle de
réacheminement de communications, est strictement prohibée.

In english, it is an extract of the ToS saying : the sharing of the line with
people outside of the family, or the usage of the line as a
"communication bridge/gateway" is strictly prohibited.

Once this is said, if the number of calls done by Bellster users is limited, 
what's the probability the ISP discovers the trick...?

It's an open question, I don't know how the ISP would react...


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