[Asterisk-Users] Using Zyxel Analog Telephone adapter with a GSM gateway

Stig Thune stig.thune at telecoms-resources.no
Thu Jan 20 08:41:02 MST 2005

Searching through wiki and google.
but there are also other products on the market.

Wondering if its possible to connect as follows:

Extension -> Asterisk -> ZyxelAnalogTelephoneAdapter -> GSM gateway.

The best way would be to make the ZyxelAnalog.. to be a channel.
But I don't think that is doable.. or ?

So i checked with Dial command..  trying to use something like:

exten => 99,1,Dial(SIP/11,20,D($EXTEN),w=800ms)

; Dial option
;      'D([digits])'  -- Send DTMF digit string *after* called party has answered
;             but before the bridge. (w=500ms sec pause)
Problem is, that the astrisk won't push the $EXTEN numbers. 
(or does it ? I can't hear anything :-| )

My console (verbose level 3):
  -- Executing Dial("SIP/03-031e", "SIP/11|20|D(987654321)|w=200ms") in new stack
    -- Called 11
    -- SIP/11-1644 is ringing
    -- SIP/11-1644 answered SIP/03-031e
    -- Attempting native bridge of SIP/03-031e and SIP/11-1644
Jan 20 16:27:43 WARNING[10949]: chan_sip.c:1820 sip_write: Asked to transmit frame type 64, while native formats is 4 (read/write = 4/4)
Jan 20 16:27:43 WARNING[10949]: chan_sip.c:1820 sip_write: Asked to transmit frame type 64, while native formats is 4 (read/write = 4/4)
...and so on for 10 lines.. then I hang up.
  == Spawn extension (wx3trunk, 99, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/03-031e'

/ Stig Henning
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