[Asterisk-Users] Asterisk CPU priorities (nice?)

Matt Schulte mschulte at netlogic.net
Mon Jan 3 07:24:12 MST 2005

Had a good question for the list, it seems whenever I work in an
Asterisk console or on the machine normally I get jitters on any audio
going through it. Especially if you did file copies or a 'ps ax' for
example. I was wondering if there was a proper way to 'nice' the
asterisk proc's? Cisco does this for example to it's "EXEC" and icmp
processes, I tried reniceing the asterisk processes with very bad
results, especially when I/O (voicemail, etc) comes into play. I'm not
swapping out or anything, ideas?

p.s. I searched the wiki but not exactly sure what to search for I
guess, I imagine someone out there has run into these issues?


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