[Asterisk-Users] why does the Polycom IP600 check FTP every 60 seconds...

Louis-David Mitterrand vindex at apartia.org
Tue Feb 15 02:14:20 MST 2005

On Tue, Feb 15, 2005 at 07:56:10PM +1100, Adam Goryachev wrote:
> On Tue, 2005-02-15 at 09:38 +0100, Louis-David Mitterrand wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I am mostly happy with my Polycom IP600 but it apparently needs to check
> > the FTP server every minute. I couldn't find any obvious setting related
> > to that behavior in the configuration files.
> > 
> > Any idea how to curb the IP600's spurious network activity?
> It could quite possibly be related to the log files the polycom uploads
> to the FTP server. I found this quite a pain, so disabled all the
> logging in the config files.
> If that isn't it, then you will need to find out *what* activity the
> polycom is doing, hint tcpdump -tn -A -s 16384 port 21 might help or
> else see your ftp server log files.

You are right, this activity is related to logging. 

After consulting the admin manual I am unsure as to what settings
related to logging are safe to change (some are marked as "don't modify
without consulting Polycom").

Do you remember which settings you changed to disable logging?


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