[Asterisk-Users] Cleaning up CLID on incoming PRI lines

Adrian Carter adrian at lei.net.au
Sun Dec 11 19:20:14 MST 2005

Hey guys,
    Does anyone know of a nice way to clean up CLID on all calls coming 
in a certain trunk? One of our PRI providers drops off the 0, which 
means that matching and 'one-click-call-return' are broken because it 
appends 'half' the Area Code to the CLID (In Australia, area codes are 
prefaced 0NXXXXXXXX).

    At the moment, I have a nasty patch to AMP's 'user-callerid' macro 
that re-writes teh CLIDNum variable to have the correct 12 digits with 
the 0. But because this happens after the initial call pickup, the 
ringing call itself reports the 'bad' CLID.

    Is there a patch or hook I could add to zapata.conf or some way to 
get asterisk to say "Add 0 to the front of all CLID on this ZAP channel" ?

Thanks all!


Adrian Carter
Technical Manager
Leading Edge Internet

Web	  http://www.lei.net.au http://support.lei.net.au
Direct    +61 2 6163 6162  Support 1 300 662 415
E-mail    cartera at lei.net.au

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